SouthEast Wisconsin Master Gardeners Receive an International Award for Their Gardening Through Life Program at the International Master Gardeners Conference
A delegation of UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteers from Milwaukee and Waukesha counties attended the 2017 International Master Gardener Conference to accept their First Place Award in the Special Needs Category for their Gardening Through Life program. SouthEast Wisconsin Master Gardener Volunteers Marilynn Cech, Anne Harvieux and Liz Burke were at the conference to accept the award and give a presentation on the project. They are pictured with USDA-NIFA National Program Leader Tom Bewick. Watch a short video of the award acceptance. The Gardening Through Life program educates the public on principles and methods that enable gardeners to enjoy gardening throughout their lifetime. This includes discussions on garden accessibility, plant selection, as well as techniques and tools that gardeners can use to stay healthy as they garden. You can learn more about the SEWMG Gardening Through Life Program at the SEWMG Website. |