4-H — Where are we in Milwaukee County?

Map v2

Where are we in Milwaukee County?

Milwaukee County 4-H Clubs

Please consult this map and the lists below to find a club for you.  This list can change during the year.  Click on the map to see a larger version.

Community 4-H Clubs

If you want to meet new people, make life-long friends, and enjoy a variety of educational and social events and activities, join a 4-H club. Through club work, 4-H youth members plan programs, hold club leadership positions, and explore a variety of projects. 4-H clubs have five or more youth members and meet at least six times throughout the year. 4-H clubs are organized in a community — that includes a town, a suburban community, a city block, or housing complex. A typical club meeting includes a business meeting, social time, and educational programs or activities.

Franklin 4-Hers Club Carol Blonski,
(414) 639-1501 jeffcarolblonski@hotmail.com,
Focus – Theater Arts & Rocketry
Forest Park Middle School
8225 W Forest Hill Ave.,
Franklin, WI
Tuesday at 6:45pm to 8:15pm.
The Kid’s Club 4-H Club Timothy Perkins,
(414) 442-1281
Bethel-Bethany United Church of Christ
2878 N 54th St.,
Milwaukee, WI
Leaders in Training 4-H Club Crystal Bell
(414) 449-1546
New Beginnings are Possible
3717 W Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee County Hillside Horse and Horseless 4-H Club Char Ehlert
(414) 315-0169
Focus – Horseback Riding, Model Horse, and making equipment for the model horse
May – August
228 W National Ave., Milwaukee, WISeptember – April
Milwaukee Cty Extension OfficeTuesdays 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
Milwaukee County Shooting Sports 4-H Club Mark Kessler
(414) 226-6159
Archery, Wildlife, & Wildlife Habitat
Kletzch Park
6560 N. Milwaukee River Pkwy.
Glendale, WI  53209Thursdays 6:00pm
Nehemiah Project 4-H Club Angelique Robinson
(414) 933-8002
2506 W. Vliet Street
Milwaukee, 532052574 N Cramer St.
Milwaukee, 53211
Northstar 4-H Club Laura Brushaber
(414) 463-1592
Focus – Nature Education, Crafts, and Cloverbuds
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
8209 W Herbert Ave., Milwaukee, WI.
1st and 3rd Mondays,
6:30pm – 8:00pm.
Panther 4-H Club / Greendale Jason Dobbs
(414) 418-2560
Contact Jason Dobbs for location information


In school 4-H Clubs

4-H clubs can also meet in a school setting. Similar to community clubs, school clubs have five or more youth who participate in an on-going educational program for at least six sessions or meetings. Youth participation in school clubs is voluntary.  Just like other school clubs or groups, meetings are held during lunch, an activity period, or a special time designated by school administration. For more information regarding 4-H Systematics contact Eva Terry at 414-256-4627 or 4-H Techwizards contact Chunou Xiong at 414-256-4625.

Albert Story School 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
Albert Story School
3815 W Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Fernwood Aquapons
4-H Club
4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
Fernwood Montessori School
3239 S Pennsylvania Ave.,
Milwaukee, WI
Fourth Street STEM Club 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
Saint Anthony Middle School
2156 S 4th Street
Milwaukee, WI  53207
Humboldt Park School 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
Humboldt Park School
3230 S Adams Ave.
Milwaukee, WI  53207
Keefe STEM 4-H Club 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
Keefe Ave. Elementary School
1618 W Keefe Ave.
Milwaukee, WI  53206
Southside Science
4-H Club
4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
La Causa Charter School
1643 S 2nd St
Milwaukee, WI
Vikings 4-H Club 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
St. Martini Lutheran School
1520 S Cesar Chavez Drive
Milwaukee, WI
West Side STEM 4-H Club 4-H SySTEMatics
Focus – Science Technology, Engineering, & Math
West Side Academy
1945 N 31st St.
Milwaukee, WI  53208
Granville Lutheran School Tech Wizards
Focus – Robotics/Mechanical Science
8242 N Granville Road
Milwaukee, WI  53224
Highland Community School Tech Wizards
Focus – Robotocs/Mechanical Science
1706 W Highland Avenue
Milwaukee, WI  53233