Garden Rental Plot Price List

The Extension Milwaukee County Garden Rental program operates eight gardening sites across Milwaukee County. Please see the tables below for more information on prices and sizes available at each garden.

Our gardening season runs from May (the exact date determined by the weather) through the end of October. Plots are rented on a year-to-year basis, with an opportunity to renew or re-lease them each spring before the season starts.

  • Seasonal plots also known as ‘annual’ plots, are available for use from May through the last weekend of October. These plots are tilled with heavy equipment in the spring and plowed up in the fall.
  • Year-round plots also known as ‘perennial’ plots are not tilled by Extension and are available for use year-round.  Read below to learn more on why we are transitioning some of our annual plots into a year-round plot model. 

Why have we increased prices? Learn more below.

Kohl Farm Community

8400 West County Line Rd

Milwaukee, WI

Seasonal plots and Year-round plots

Sizes range: 20 square feet up
to 1 acre

No Raised beds

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


Kohl Small A


20 ft x 20 ft



Kohl Large A


30 ft x 30 ft



Kohl Small P


20 ft x 20 ft



Kohl Large P


30 ft x 30 ft



Annual MicroFarm


120 ft x 90 ft

(0.25 acre)



Perennial MicroFarm


120 ft x 90 ft


$0.03/square foot

Heritage Large


30 ft x 30 ft


Restricted to
gardeners who identify as Hmong/HMoob


Our Common Home

At Our Lady of Lourdes Church

S 58th St &
Forest Home Ave

Milwaukee, WI

Seasonal plots

Sizes range: 10 square feet up
to 20 square feet

Limit 400 square ft per family

All raised beds

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)




10 ft x 10 ft



Small In-Ground


20 ft x 20 ft





4 ft x 10 ft



ADA Raised Beds


4 ft x 10 ft


These raised beds are 24” high

6H (Extension
Green Corridor Community Garden at 6th and Howard)

6th St & the
north side of Howard Ave

Milwaukee, WI

Seasonal plots and Year-round plots

Sizes range: 20+ square feet

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


6H Small A


20 ft x 20 ft



6H Small P


20 ft x 20 ft



6H MicroFarm


120 ft x 90 ft




Cupertino Park

2000 E Iron St

Milwaukee, WI, 53207

Year-round plots

Sizes range: 4 ft x 8 ft
in-ground raised beds

Waitlist applies

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


Raised Bed


4 ft x 8 ft



Cupertino ADA Raised Bed


4 ft x 8 ft


These raised beds are 24” high

Rainbow Park

736 S 199th St

West Allis, WI 53214

Seasonal plots

Sizes range: 14 ft x 16 ft up to20 ft x 20 ft

No raised beds

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


Rainbow Bitty


14 ft x 16 ft



Rainbow Small


20 ft x 20 ft



Forest Hill
Community Garden

1800 E Forest Hill Ave

Oak Creek, WI 53154

Seasonal plots

Sizes range: 20 ft x 20 ft up to

No raised beds

Plot Type

Seasonal or Year-round

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


Forest Hill Small A


20 ft x 20 ft


available by request only

Forest Hill Large A


30 ft x 30 ft



Forest Hill
Large P


30 ft x 30 ft



Firefly Ridge
Community Garden

10305 Underwood Pkwy

Wauwatosa, WI

Seasonal and year-round plots

Sizes range: 20 square feet up
to 30 square feet

Limit 4 plots/family

No Raised beds

Plot Type

Annual or Perennial

Approximate Plot size

Cost (includes water fee)


Firefly Small A


20 ft x 20 ft



Firefly Small P


20 ft x 20 ft



Firefly Medium


20 ft x 25 ft


Firefly Large A


30 ft x 30 ft



Firefly Large P


30 ft x 30 ft



Why is the price of a seasonal/annual  plot more than the price of a year-round/ permanent plot?

This price difference is a  reflection of the fact that seasonal plot preparation and administration takes a lot more operator time, fuel, equipment hours, and administrative work than year-round plots. These costs are not completely covered by the 2023 price increase, but we do not want seasonal plots to become so pricey that gardeners are not able to offset rental costs with produce they grow. Another reason for this difference in rental cost is that we recognize that our longstanding practice of uniformly tilling all seasonal garden plots each season is out of alignment with research-based best practices in caring for the vulnerable and finite resource of topsoil. With this slight price difference, we are explicitly encouraging those who are curious about renting a year-round plot to try out a model of gardening that is less disruptive to the soil.  Also, strengthening relationships with neighboring gardeners and the land itself over multiple seasons is most easily done when people garden in the same plots year-to-year.  We hope that by creating a small but meaningful price difference between the two plot types, gardeners will consider follow their pocketbooks toward stewarding the soils in their gardens and becoming more deeply rooted members of their garden community.

Will new year-round plots become available?

Gardeners have frequently expressed frustration over the difficulty of securing a year-round plot. Limited offerings, restrictions on eligibility, and long wait lists have prevented many growers from renting year-round plots. This year we are newly offering year-round plots at 6th and Howard, and at Kohl Farm. We are also increasing the number of year-round plots offered at FireFly Ridge community Garden. Our program requires first-time gardeners interested in year-round plots to schedule a short meeting with garden staff to review expectations and jointly create a plan for success in the garden.

Will technical assistance be available if I am interested in gardening in a year-round plot but am unsure about how to manage it?

Not only is this assistance available, it is our literal job to help gardeners achieve their gardening goals, no matter where or how they garden. If you are considering transitioning to a year-round plot this season, please reach out—we will be delighted to talk with you. On the flip side, if you are strongly committed to growing in a seasonal plot forever—we will also be totally delighted to talk with you. Even if our staff in Milwaukee County can’t answer your garden-related question, we’re willing to bet that one of our 700+ Extension colleagues around the State knows the answer.

Will annual plots still be available to rent?
Yes, of course! Although we are incentivizing gardeners to rent year-round plots as part of a conscious reduction in the amount of soil our program disturbs through tillage, we respect the choice to grow in an annual tilled plot.  We understand the importance of serving a diverse array of needs.  In part, increasing the availability of year-round plots is a response to known interest and frustration with the limited number of year-round plots at many of our gardens. However, not everyone is interested in or able to manage a year-round plot. Physical limitations, gardening style, or personal preference are all valid reasons for electing to rent a seasonal plot with soils tilled by Extension. Because of our need to group seasonal plots together for efficient tilling, staking, and weed management, some gardeners requesting seasonal plots will be asked to grow their 2025 gardens in different (but equally fertile and sunny)  areas of the garden.