Garden Publications now available in Spanish

Now en Español! (A2166S, A4088S, A4089S) Three of our popular garden soil publications are now available in Spanish: Sampling Lawn and Garden Soils for Analysis (A2166) Cómo obtener muestras de tierra de céspedes y huertas para análisis (A2166S) Reducing Exposure to Lead in Your Garden Soil (A4088) Reducción de la exposición al plomo en la […]


Gardening in Wisconsin – February 2016

Wisconsin Yard and Garden Tips is updated monthly by Milwaukee County UW-Extension. Applicability in northern Wisconsin counties may be delayed one to two weeks in spring, and advanced a like period in fall. By Sharon Morrisey, Consumer Horticulture Agent, Milwaukee County UW-Extension The excitement is building up to Ground Hog’s Day on February 2nd. This […]


Learn all about what Milwaukee County UW Extension has to offer

This four minute video provides an overview of the county-based educational programming provided in Milwaukee through our partnership between UW Extension and Milwaukee County government.  In this overview we provide a sampling of our educational programs provided by our educational team of staff and volunteers.


Milwaukee County’s Master Gardener Program

The Master Gardener Program in Milwaukee County started in 1982. Over 1,025 people have been trained since that time, and there are currently 239 certified Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs) for 2016. UWEX Consumer Horticulture Agent Sharon Morrisey facilitates the Program. Garden Supports Families The Secret Garden at Milwaukee’s Ronald McDonald House, supported by MGVs, provides […]


4-H SySTEMatics Video

Milwaukee County Extension has created a 4-H SySTEMatics program, bringing STEM programs into different schools around the area. Watch our video here!