Can Urban Gardening Pay Off?
MicroFarming Explores Income Realities
Urban agriculture is thriving in Milwaukee County as vacant lots are transformed into gardens and the University of Wisconsin Extension (UWEX) provides 72 acres of rental plots to eager urban farmers and community gardeners, providing fresh food for themselves, farmers’ markets, grocers and local restaurants. UWEX Urban Agriculture focus dates back to the early 1970s when the first plots were rented on the Milwaukee Co
A unique garden is evolving on Milwaukee’s south side. The Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center’s Native Wellness Garden boasts a variety of heritage plants, both food and medicinal. It also includes a heritage orchard with an Oneida apple tree, a Milwaukee apple tree, chokeberry and hazelnut trees plus fruits such as blueberries and strawberries.
The garden, located on South 6th Street near Howard Avenue, also includes a medicine wheel divided into quadrants – the North quadrant, for exa